James Cameron says Titan passengers had warning of implosion Los Angeles Times
Table Of Content James Cameron says Titan submersible passengers likely had warning just before implosion Skirting Certification Saved Time and Costs Titanic tourist submersible carrying 5 disappears on trip to see wreck in North Atlantic The astonishing energy harnessed within the implosive process has left experts in awe. Bob Ballard, a pivotal figure in the discovery of the Titanic wreck, articulated the sheer force of an implosion, likening it to a relentless force that obliterates and tears apart everything in its path. This necessitates meticulous orientation of individual layers to ensure optimal mechanical traits in diverse directions. James Cameron says Titan submersible passengers likely had warning just before implosion “It’s really quite surreal, it’s just astonishing,” he said. “P.H., the French legendary submersible dive pilot, was a friend of mine. And that’s not even the problem that horrifies Alex the most. And that’s not taking into account the depth-worthines...